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Does Naples offer permit exemptions?

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2019 | Land Use and Zoning | 0 comments

Zoning laws and building codes make it very difficult for property owners to update, add to or even maintain their own properties. However, residents must abide by these laws, otherwise, they risk hefty fines and possibly having to redo all of the work they put into their properties. One thing Florida law dictates property owners have at the start of construction, demolition or remodeling is a permit. In most instances, a permit is necessary, but sometimes, it is not. The City of Naples, Florida, website details when you need a permit and in which situations the city provides exemptions.

Per the law, you need a permit if you plan to construct, alter, enlarge, demolish, repair, move or change the occupancy rating of the building or structure in question. You must also obtain a permit if you plan to enlarge, install, erect, repair, remove, replace or convert any gas, electrical, plumbing or mechanical system within your home or property.

Though it seems as if you need a permit for just about any change you make to your home or building, the law does provide a few exceptions. For instance, if you plan to make minor changes such as repairing an air conditioning unit, installing carpet, replacing a window A/C unit using the existing electrical and replacing a ceiling fan using the existing wiring and outlet box, you do not need a permit. The same is true if you plan to replace any doors on the interior of your home, install gutters or replace plumbing fixtures. In short, you do not need a permit for cosmetic repairs and upgrades.

This article is for educational purposes only. You should not use it as legal advice.
